Posts tagged PROFIT
7 Facts About Profit

“For me, it’s not about the money.”  I was talking to a client about how to increase profits dramatically.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I don’t want to be greedy and make too much.”

“So, how much is too much...?”

I didn’t get an answer. I never do. I know that some people (hopefully a small minority) are put off by my constant emphasis on making money. I know that because, as a business coach, I have talked with hundreds of small business owners about profit and have often had conversations like the one above.  It’s as if the speakers feel guilty about making a profit or that it is somehow noble to loathe money...

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How to Think Like Business Buyers

The value (price, if we’re selling) of a business is what a willing buyer and seller agree it to be.  However, assuming both parties are informed and rational, the value of most small businesses is calculated by multiplying annual profit times a “multiple.” The multiple is a number that reflects buyer confidence and often falls between one and seven.  So, for example, a business with annual profit of $100,000 at a multiple of two would be worth $200,000.  

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